Green Smoothie Day 2 – Healing Journey Day 49

This morning, I was on the ball! I was still tired, but super excited to go back to the school-based mental health convention. I also felt ridiculously terrible. After all that cooked food I ate last night, I felt sick. I honestly was considering whether it was a good idea to go to the convention or not, but my excitement overtook the pain I was experiencing with my highly upset stomach.

I made a simple smoothie out of bananas and kelp powder to take with me in my large smoothie container. I was able to sip on this through the morning sessions.


At lunch time, I zipped over to Booster Juice again and got the Tropi-kale smoothie. This was pretty good, though I prefer the Spinach Is In It one. I also ran into the grocery store that shared the same parking lot and bought a Happy Planet Extreme Greens juice/smoothie to drink later in the afternoon. This was an excellent plan as it kept me away from the pastries they kept in the hallway, even though I was extremely cold in the afternoon.

Once again, this convention had me so excited! Seriously teachers, look up: School-Based Mental Health Convention. Find one near you or one that you can attend. I came away with more from this convention than any academic-focused session I’ve ever been to. It was too amazing for words, so just find one and go.

After I came home, I made one more smoothie with bananas and romaine lettuce. It was simple but sustaining. I am regularly hungry though and cannot wait for green smoothie days to be over.

I basically relaxed for the rest of the night and went to bed. It was time to finally catch up on some sleep.

Review of Symptoms:
-Acne is still holding its slight improvements.
-Hair is doing phenomenal.
-Energy is still good.
-Digestion is starting to recover from cooked foods relapses…

Weight at the end of the day = 169.6 lbs (down 3.6 lbs from yesterday)

Total Calories = 1748 (94% carbs, 2% fat, 4% protein)