The Easiest Business in the WORLD

Tonight was SUCH a good night. And something you NEED to know about.

Financial burden has been a slight problem for the past couple years. My husband has been unable to work (since he’s American). So the responsibility has been on me. He feels horrible about it, but I keep reminding him to be patient and wait. The good news is, he should be cleared soon and they’ve FINALLY allowed him to even apply for an open work permit. We’re getting close!!

To assist myself during these times, I started my Mary Kay business which has been good. Not to mention I love getting the products for wholesale price. I absolutely love Mary Kay products and will promote them to everyone. They actually WORK and are an excellent quality.

But recently, I’ve also started my Organo Gold business which is what I would like to focus on tonight. This is the easiest thing I’ve ever done.

I had scheduled a Google Hangout with someone who’s doing very well in the company (been around a little longer than me). He gave me some great tips and filled me in on some questions I had. We made plans, I felt good, got off the computer.

I knew I had an Organo delivery coming, so I thought ahead of time to prepare my information and my samples to ask the delivery man if he drank coffee.

The buzzer to our building goes to my phone, and so when it rang, I quickly answered, grab my prepared items, and met him at the door. We had a very quick conversation about the fire trucks that were here yesterday (he had attempted delivery but was blocked by the fire trucks so had to come back today), and then I asked if he drank coffee. He replied yes, and when I asked if he wanted to sample some, he said he couldn’t say no. I handed him my information and a coffee sample, and we both went away happy.

I returned to my apartment, and I have a message in my Inbox on Facebook. A lady that I had given a green tea sample to had messaged and simply said that after drinking the green tea I gave her, she can’t even be bothered to drink the tea she has in her house. Of course this led to a conversation about meeting up because she needed some green tea.

Ladies and gentlemen, how easy is that? This company literally is nothing more than giving people samples of your product, and the product literally speaks for itself. All I did was ask a question and hand over a sample. Nothing more to it. The business itself is easy, the profits are good, the commissions are good, and at the very bottom of it all, you are actually helping others by getting rid of the acidity coffee, and replacing it with something that is so healthy for you. And the taste is amazing!

If you’re looking for something easy, something that is international (I think we’re in 14 countries at the moment, but they’re working on gaining more as we speak), and something that will either give you a little extra financial uplift, or even a retirement fund or a substantial living profit, this is the opportunity.

The slogan of Organo Gold is this: It’s Easy, It’s Simple, It’s Coffee

The company truly lives up to it’s slogan. Message me if you’d like to know more about the company or even the products. This is an opportunity you don’t want to miss.