Save Yourself From Junk: A Shopping Tip

Here is two of the most important tips I have ever learned when grocery shopping or shopping in general:

#1: NEVER go grocery shopping hungry. Eat before you go. Hunger initiates wanting something quick. And when you’re surrounded by food when you’re hungry, chances are you will not make the best choices. Don’t allow the junk to take you over when you’re hungry. Eat before you go!

I'm sure you all know the feeling...

I’m sure you all know the feeling…

#2: PREPARE! If you know you’re going to be out for the day running errands or running to appointments, then pack some things to take with you. Pack water, nuts, trail mix, protein bars, protein mixes with a cup, veggies, fruit, dried fruit, things that are healthy but won’t go bad on you. There are so many options, and if you have prepared, they will be an easy thing to grab out of your purse or out of your car and eat right away. You can take off that starving feeling and feel better at the end of the day knowing you made good choices. 

Load up with HEALTHY on-the-go foods so that you can make great choices instead of bad ones.

Load up with HEALTHY on-the-go foods so that you can make great choices instead of bad ones.

These are the tips I’ve found help me the most, otherwise I am PRONE with a capital P to go somewhere quick and easy to get food costing more money than necessary and usually adding on way more calories than I need or want. 

Do you have any tips that you’ve found helped? Hunger is definitely a force to be reckoned with!