I’m Definitely a Morning Person! Are You?

It amazes me sometimes how much I can accomplish in a day. But the key to these productive days seems to be that I simply get up early!

It is not a problem for me to get up at 5:30 or 6:00 in the morning, jump out of bed with a goal in my head, and I immediately get to it, fresh with energy. No need to eat or anything until I begin to get tired of working or feel like I just need a couple minute break.

I’ve often sat and had the battle of whether I’m a night owl or a morning person, and though it’s nice to sleep in once in awhile, there’s no denying the productivity I have in the morning if I get up right away. You see, I can also stay up late. I definitely need to start going to bed earlier, but my husband is a night owl. He is definitely not a morning person. So usually I end up spending time with him in the evening meaning I’m up late and up early. It works, because I can get a lot of housework or schoolwork or whatever it may be, done before he gets up. I actually prefer it that way. We both go to the gym, so no early morning gym workouts for me!

On a regular day, before I go to work, I have done a load or two of laundry, a load of dishes, swept/organized the living room, got ready for the day, packed my lunch and breakfast, walked, fed and watered my dogs. But on a day like today, when I don’t have to work, I’ve already cleaned and organized my office (save for a 3 boxes that still need unpacked), the upstairs hallway and linen closet is all organized and cleaned, the bathroom is mostly straightened up, my breakfast is eaten, garbage taken out, 1/2 bin sorted through, and ready to conquer more!

So what are you: a night owl or an early riser? Do you find yourself more productive in the morning or the evening?
