It’s So Dry, We’re Cracking Up!

Ok, I know the title sounds funny, but it’s true. We are literally cracking up! And no, it’s not because we think the dry climate is funny, it’s actually quite the opposite. Our bodies think it’s awful.

Last week, I woke up one morning feeling awful. I think I wrote about it in another post… but the most awful part was that both sides of my mouth, where the lips bend, were cracked. Let me tell you, that is a terrible place to have cracked! When you open your mouth too far, it hurts! I lathered it with lip moisturizer day and night, and it eventually healed and went away.

Mine are very much like this. Very subtle and small, but very much there. A tiny crack on the side of the mouth.

Mine are very much like this. Very subtle and small, but very much there. A tiny crack on the side of the mouth.

Well, my husband woke up last week with painful heels. My mother used to get this, I thankfully never did, but my husbands heels had the biggest cracks in them I have ever seen. I’m not just talking long, surface cracks, I’m talking deep heel cracks! I don’t even know how they aren’t bleeding with cracks that deep! So we’ve been lathering them with coconut oil and it has been helping.

These are very much like his. Awful.

These are very much like his. Awful.

Yesterday morning, I woke up with those stupid cracked mouth sides again. I’m telling you, it’s the most annoying thing ever! Unless you drink smoothies out of a straw all day, I really don’t see how you can avoid opening your mouth and causing those little cracks to cause you pain. Looks like we’re in for a very dry winter, and we will have lots of coconut oil and lip moisturizer on hand!

Do you live in a dry climate? How do you handle it?