The Best, Most Delicious, Quick and Easy Breakfast for a Week!

Ok, so I just had a mini conversation with a friend who was looking for some alternatives to healthy snacks. She’s trying to lose the rest of her baby weight, but also by remaining healthy for her son. I will have to write a blog about some healthy snack choices for you later, but the conversation led me to remember one of my most favourite that I absolutely fell in love with the moment it entered my mouth! It was intended for breakfast, but I seriously could have easily grabbed it as a filling snack as well. Here it is (all credits go to my couch Janet in whose challenge I was participating at the time):



Ready in: 25-30 minutes
Prep Time: 5
Cook Time: 20-25 minutes
Serves 4 (2 cupcakes per serving)


4 piece Ezekiel bread
8 whole eggs
6 pieces turkey bacon, diced or shredded
1/2 cup low fat, part skim Mozzarella cheese
Sea Salt and pepper to taste


1) Preheat oven to 375.
2) Thaw Ezekiel bread.
3) Whisk eggs, bacon, cheese, salt and pepper in a small mixing bowl.
4) Spray muffin tin or loaf pan with nonstick cooking spray.
5) Tear Ezekiel bread to fit in tin and press firmly to secure.
6) Pour egg mixture on top.
7) Bake for 20-25 minutes.


As you can see, the recipe calls for turkey bacon, and not pork. The reason being that the turkey bacon is much healthier for you. It has a great and amazing flavour, and if you haven’t ever tried it before, I highly recommend it! (It also comes in larger pieces than regular bacon. I take this as a bonus!)

Now take this recipe, and have fun with it! Add in some mushrooms or tomatoes or maybe even some spinach! Can’t have toast as a crust? Try looking up some other fun crusts like sweet potato crust! So many ways to spin this recipe and keep it just as healthy.

When I make these, I separate them into Ziploc baggies, 2 per bag. They lasted me the week that I made them for without going bad! They were just as tasty the first day as they were the last day, and just think of how much smoother mornings would go when they’re ready to go with you! They also pack a good protein punch for you if you’re trying to increase your protein intake or trying to find easier ways to fit your protein requirements. It’s actually a well designed concoction of carbs, fats and proteins! What more could you ask for?

I say: DO IT. Make them. Try it out. You won’t be disappointed!