Two of My Favourite (Healthy) Treats

When we were kids, the 6 cousins on my Dad’s side would always gather at my grandparents after church and my grandfather would give us each $2. We would then walk down the road to the Irving gas station (that sadly no longer exists there) and we could either get candy and a pop or chips and a pop. What a walk in memory lane… can’t buy chips and a pop for that anymore!

Now that I’m eating healthy, I view treats very differently. If I go to the theatre and buy the popcorn with butter, candy, and pop, I feel it the next day, and it’s awful. The damage you are doing to your body when you partake of these unhealthy foods is astronomical. And I notice it.

Now that doesn’t mean I don’t indulge every once in awhile. As much as I hate to say it, I do believe unhealthy foods have an addiction attached to them, just like a drug. Very seldom do we crave the healthy food we eat, and yet most of us can agree with craving unhealthy food a lot. I’m not so sure about what makes it addictive, but it’s definitely a battle of willpower to stay away and fight those cravings.

As much as possible, I try to find healthy things as treats. The best part is, I could eat them all the time if I wanted to (they are that healthy), but I don’t have the money to fund that indulgence. So I’m going to share with you my treat from yesterday and my treat from today. Two healthy treats that I definitely look forward to having whenever I can.

#1. Synergy Organic & Raw Kombucha Drink(s)


What a company statement, what a drink! I actually had the one on the left: Mystic Mango. The bottles are 480 mL (16 fl oz) and can you guess how many calories/carbs for the ENTIRE bottle? 70 Calories, 8g of carbs! Talk about a great option for sticking with diet restrictions! The Kombucha tea is cultured for 30 days before being sold. The health properties of this refreshing and tasty drink are numerous. I highly recommend you check it out! Just be forewarned, the smell of the drink is not the greatest, but don’t smell it and the taste is good! 🙂

#2. Quest Cravings Protein Peanut Butter Cups

( had the best picture. I ate mine too fast to take one… oops. Check out her blog while you’re at it! It’s got some really great stuff!)

These are absolutely AMAZING! Say good-bye to Reese’s! No more suffering calories for something delicious, we now have it in a healthy option! Clean ingredients, 17 g of fat (a little heavy on the fat), only 10 g of carbs and 20 g of protein! You won’t get that from your regular Reese’s cups. I was an AVID Reese’s eater. So these were a reason to celebrate for me. I do find them a little dry, so just make sure to have a glass of water, or as I do since I love being so healthy, drink my Organo Gold coffee drinks with it. What a match made in Heaven! Love it!

What healthy snacks do you like to eat? I love hearing about new things so that I can try them too! Food NEEDS to be healthy but it doesn’t HAVE to be boring! Enjoy the good stuff! And if you’d like to sample my absolutely delicious OG coffee and tea drinks, just let me know!