Salt Burn

Ok, so this is seriously the weirdest thing I’ve ever encountered.

I eat and have always ate a lot of Tostitos. Whether making nachos, dipping in salsa or guacamole, or whatever, I love Tostitos. Now of course, I’ve been buying more organic versions of corn chips. But while I was in New Brunswick, organic options were much fewer and far between so I ate the regular Tostitos again.

No word of a joke, they burnt my lips.

At first I thought it was the brand of salsa my mom bought, but on a different night when I only had 4 Tostitos with a different, more mild salsa, my lips still felt burnt! In fact, both nights I had Tostitos, my lips continued to hurt and swell the next day.

Have you ever heard of this before? Do you have any experience? Please leave any insights you may have in the comments below because quite honestly, I have NEVER heard of nor experienced anything like this before!

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