That Feeling When You Start the Day Off Right

So, for the past 2 days, I’ve been doing a course in assessment. It’s an online course, but it runs live so I have to be there when the presenter is there. This is not a course you can do what you need to and come back later. The course runs from 9:00-4:30. It’s a long day.

Yesterday morning, I made it to the presentation early, but I felt as if there was so much more I wanted to do first. I mean, I’m at home. My list is long. I almost felt anxious about it. I didn’t get all the things done before the presentation as I had wanted.

This morning, I did more than I planned on, woke up later, and still got to the presentation on time. Talk about a pump! It just felt like I had got this day started so much better than yesterday, and it felt amazing!

Do you ever have days like that? Days where you feel like there is not enough time in the world to do what you want? Days where you actually conquer more and you just feel pumped for the rest of the day? I’m pretty sure I could deal with everyday starting off the way today did. I always feel amazing when I conquer a lot of things in the beginning of my day! Maybe if I get to bed earlier everyday, it could become a habit. We’ll have to see how this goes…

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