How Hard Are You Willing To Work For It?

I absolutely love this picture:


What is the significance of this picture you might ask? Well, diamonds, those expensive things we get in jewelry took many, many years to grow. They grew because of the pressure demands under the soil. Soil, which is basically nothing, waste to us, with much pressure, makes a diamond, something so expensive and so desired.

What about your goals in life? You may think as even I have thought, “I’m nothing. I can’t really do it. I’m not like those people. I’ll never look that way. I’m not good enough. I’m not smart enough for that.” It’s a trap, a downward spiral that will keep you from getting where you’d like to be. Why not try harder. Work harder. Ask these people that seem to be successful. I can almost guarantee that at least 90% of the successful people didn’t get to where they are without some hard work. Now that isn’t to say that some people inherited part of their success, or came to be one of those people that were at the right place at the right time, but many of the people who started with nothing just like the dirt, and came out successful just like the diamond put in a lot of hard work just like the years of pressure.

The real question is: How hard are you willing to work for it? How much effort are you willing to put into it?

Something that I’ve learned about creating a great body, the kind I have in my mind, is I have to be willing to work for it. That means watching my food, avoiding the cheat foods, and putting my best effort into my workouts. If you don’t want to exercise and would rather eat fast food than cook food at home to save time, you are going to get that same quality back. How hard are you willing to work for that body you want?

Or what about working a business? I work two businesses that I completely love the products. I would never work a business on products I don’t believe in. But if I really want to profit from these businesses, I have to put the work into them. If I don’t talk to people and don’t advertise, how are people ever supposed to buy from me? I’ve got to put the work in for it ever to get any productivity.

So take a moment, think of the things you’re working on, the goals that you have. And ask yourself: “How hard am I willing to work for it?”


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