Foundation Wearing Off Throughout the Day? Try This!

Many, many times, I have found for myself, as well as talking to many others, that by the end of the day, our foundation seems to just fade away. Whether your chasing around children all day, lifting heavy objects, or whatever you may be doing, the foundation on our faces seems to take a hit. However, I’ve found something that seems to help!


This is the Mary Kay Foundation Primer with SPF 15! If prepares itself as a buffer on your skin to fill in your skin and create an even appearance before applying your foundation. It also helps your foundation to stay on your face longer. And not only that, it also has some SPF protection included!

I’ve tried this product and been using it ever since. I love it! I have been dependent on foundation and concealers since my teen years as I was battling acne. I tried everything from Proactive to Avon acne care to blue light treatments to chemical peels to pills and topical prescribed treatments. It was just something I had to deal with. So my daily necessity was foundation. And let me tell you, I felt so insecure by the end of the day when my foundation would be wearing off throughout the day. Wearing the Mary Kay Foundation Primer has helped a lot! The foundation stays on longer and I’m able to feel my best all day! Definitely a recommended product!

Feel free to contact me for more details 🙂

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