The Most Embarrassing Fall…

So as I was looking through my posts, I realized that I have withheld an incredibly embarrassing yet totally funny story from you guys. I’m sorry! So here’s what happened last weekend.

My husband and I were shopping at Wal-Mart. At the point this “event” happened, we were looking for windshield wipers. My husband said something jokingly but ran ahead of me. So I was going to “gently” nudge him with my foot (call it a kick if you’d like…) only to notice that the floor was very slippery (wax?) and my other foot decided to go upwards as well.

Now if you can picture those movie moments, the really dramatic ones where their body flies up in the air, things from the shelves come crashing down with them to the bitter end of landing on the floor, and that’s what happened to me. No joke. I reached for a shelf to break my fall but needless to say, it didn’t work. I only took containers of car cleaning wipes down with me.

Yup, that was me.

Yup, that was me.

Now, the best part of the whole thing is I didn’t really seem to hurt anything but my wrist which unfortunately still aches. But the second best part is that nobody saw, aside from the men and/or women who were probably laughing behind the security cameras. My husband didn’t even see the action, but did manage to see my display on the floor while helping me get back up.

Seriously. I think some of these things really only happen because I am me. What do you think? Have you ever had any crazy embarrassing moments? I’d love to hear all about them!