Week 10 Day 7

Well, today did not go exactly as planned. I woke up to my husband vomiting in the bathroom. This occurred several times throughout the morning. I’m going to estimate 10-20 times. He literally had nothing left in his stomach, the poor man.

So I spent most of my day cleaning my house, doing laundry, catching up on some things in life. My husband seemed to be better after lunch, at least not vomiting anymore. He was still very weak and tired and couldn’t handle much of anything in his stomach. He also quite frequently felt like he couldn’t breathe which is by far the scariest part. He battled a headache and fever for most of the day, and his body actually turned red like he had been sunburned! It was seriously the craziest thing I had ever seen!

As the night went on, he seemed to progressively get better. I missed my workout again today, but my car is still not running and I needed to be home anyways to make sure my husband was actually breathing. I checked on him quite frequently as I was very worried about him.

I’m looking forward to hopefully getting in two workouts tomorrow, and hopefully waking up to a much healthier husband.