A Fantastic Husband

Having these puppies in our lives has been a new adventure. Making sure their mother is giving them what they need and also assuring that she has what she needs has been the constant focus for us lately.

Prior to having the puppies, I would have assumed that a “motherly instinct” would naturally kick in and be more evident than any fatherly emotions. Boy was I wrong!

Since the puppies have been born, my husband has been so attentive to them! On average throughout the day, he probably checks on them once every hour. That’s only a normal check. The numbers raise as he also runs to them each time they whine (quite often!). He always makes sure that she is laying the proper way and helps guide them into the proper position to feed.

I have never seen my husband be so interested and fatherly to any human baby, but even a human baby would be spoiled if my husband were to treat them the same way he is treating these puppies. Let’s just say they have my husband wrapped around their little fingers (paws?).

I was sitting on the couch tonight, and just realized how amazing my husband is. He may be rough around the edges, and can come across as “mean” sometimes, being that my honest is so honest that he can be brutally honest at times. But as I was watching him with Utopia and and her puppies, there was nothing but kindness and gentleness, and a pure desire to provide his best for them.

Utopia had not been eating, and would leave her puppies more frequently than we would have liked to try and find other “food” in the kitchen. We had her dog food bowl next to her bed, so we were unsure as to why she would not eat it. Before my husband went to bed, he tried sitting beside her and feeding her by hand. Wouldn’t you know, she ate it. And my husband sat there, feeding her by hand, until she was done eating, being as kind and as gentle as possible.

My husband feeding Utopia.

My husband feeding Utopia.

I truly love my husband. Since we’ve known each other, our lives have been a roller coaster of ups and downs, never knowing what each day would bring. Looking over that time, we’ve truly grown together, and despite our sometimes extremely difficult circumstances, have stuck together and conquered every situation as of yet. We’re definitely stronger together, and I really appreciate that he always picks up in areas that I lack, and I try to do the same for him. He may not be perfect, and he may not do everything I would like, but he does have good intentions and showers me with the love I need at the times I need it most. I absolutely love him and could not ask for anyone better.