How to Raise the Perfect Dog- Cesar Millan

Most of you know that I’ve read this book. Many of my blog posts lately have involved this book. I finished this book last week, and it was an incredibly good book!


Cesar buys four different breeds of puppies for the purpose of this book. He then takes you through the steps that he used to train these puppies into well-behaved members of the family. He explores the topics of preventing bad habits, how to properly introduce your puppy to it’s new home, introducing leash and collar, the fundamentals of walking properly, potty training, issues concerning pet health, vet procedures, playing with the dogs, and most importantly, your need of calm-assertiveness at all times around your pet.

Cesar provides many easy-to-follow steps to help you train your puppy at his best, and warns you of certain stages of puppyhood to watch out for. He also closes his book with an update on what has happened to these puppies and where they are at.

An incredible read, very in-depth, and recommended for everyone who has or is looking to add a puppy to the family!