A “Discounted” Time to React

Hello again.

This week has been the chosen Spring Break for my school, and I can say I have completely replaced school work with catching up on my home life. Today is only Monday, and yet I have dropped by the school to gather some papers I needed, gone to Service Canada to change my name on my SIN card, stopped at Popeye’s and basically did a mountain of grocery/supplement shopping (will do a review on some of these later), dealt with some taxes (received some homework, returning tomorrow to finish), took a nap (who knew all this running around was so tiring?), and had a gruelling workout at the gym. What a day! Barely a chance to really react.

As I was placing a Mary Kay order (absolutely have never fallen in love with a skin care/cosmetic line like I have with Mary Kay), I noticed it has become my favourite time of the year! The year I get to offer my fellow Canadians a spectacular opportunity!

When I signed up to become a Mary Kay beauty consultant, I knew very little about make-up. I knew some about skin care because I had battled acne for as long as I could remember. I had done blue light treatments, chemical peels, numerous amounts of topical creams and gels, pills, and almost everything you can think of. Nothing ever worked for me. I even ordered ProActive and tried it for several months, but to no avail. I had almost come to a place where I knew I had to deal with it, and so my search for learning how to come closer to that flawless skin I always wanted began.

I started ordering Mary Kay from a friend. I was experimenting with some concealers and foundations, and because she was willing, starting experimenting with other make-up methods. I didn’t want to sign up, I was happy being a customer. UNTIL….

One day I was picking up an order from her as she had come to my city for a Mary Kay convention. The moment I walked in the hotel, the only thing I could tell you is how badly I wished I could have been there for the weekend. The women were everywhere, looking absolutely stunning, and I realized how badly I missed having that “girly” time with friends. They were all genuinely smiling and just having fun. I wanted a part in that! Not to mention, after I thought about it, these ladies actually made MONEY by having all of this fun! It hit me that I was really missing out.

MK consultants really have so much fun!

MK consultants really have so much fun!

And so one day, when she called me for a practice interview, it turned into a successful practice because I told her I wanted to join. I was being hesitant until she asked me to reflect on “What could be the worst thing that could happen?”. For me at the time, I would be out the $75 I spent for a start-up if I did no work and didn’t end up doing anything. That was honestly the worst. But even that wasn’t so bad because the amount of product that comes with the starter kit was worth more than the $75, so really I wasn’t losing anything. And this is where my good news comes in for you.

Mary Kay Starter Kit

Mary Kay Starter Kit

For the month of April, you can start your very own Mary Kay business for only $50. That means you can make the supportive, amazing friends that are involved with this company, you can make that extra money you need or even turn it into a full-time supporting business, you can get your products for 50% off or even for free! You’ll be involved in a home-based business that gives you more tax benefits than you could even imagine. And if you want to work for it, those nice Mary Kay cars can be yours for basically free. It’s an amazing company that has so much to offer. I have never regretted signing up with Mary Kay, and I know you won’t either! It’s endless support, endless “girl time”, endless confidence-building for you!

Business Opportunities

Business Opportunities

If you’re Canadian and interested, please let me know. It’s only $50 this month which is way less than 1/2 of the price of the product that even comes in that kit. It is such a great deal! And ask yourself, what really is the worst that could happen? I can honestly tell you, not much. You win either way. Products that work and a reliable, time-proven company. Take your chance today!

Have a Problem with Dry Skin?

I am a product tester. Not one that is paid, not one that gets sent free products to review, but one that buys a new product almost every time I run out of something. I have a problem being satisfied with a certain product. They are never quite what I want or don’t quite give the results they’ve promised. In fact, I have an entire shelf in a linen closet designated to the many products I’ve bought in advance to try once old products run out.

Now I live in Western Canada. Unfortunately I don’t live in BC near the ocean where humidity exists. I live on the other side of the mountains where the air is landlocked and DRY. This is the kind of dry where you have to carry around lip balm and hand lotion or else you are in grave danger of cracked lips and skin. Did you know that most people who move here from humid places often suffer bloody noses while their body adjusts to the dry climate? I’m not kidding when I say it’s dry!

There are a few products I’ve quite buying from stores, and I’m going to tell you about one of them today. This is one product I’ve finally found works for me!

In hindsight, I’ve tried almost every body lotion out there. I’ve tried dead sea varieties, cocoa butter varieties, other butter varieties, normal lotions, extremely dry skin lotions, and everything in between. I’ve never been completely satisfied. And this is not a product to take lightly as I’ve lived in both humid and dry climates, and will never deny the importance of moisturizing your skin.

This product, this lotion, has so many things I love about it.

#1-The smell. I’ve tried lotions that I’ve hated the smell of, some that the smell was simply “ok”, and some that are way too overpowering. But this lotion? I cannot express my love of the soft and sweet fragrance it contains. It’s refreshing, delightful and delicate all in one.

#2-The consistency. I dislike overly thick lotions. I hate feeling like I have lathered myself in grease after applying a lotion. This lotion is not that way. It is a light, white lotion that applies very well and dries fairly quickly while leaving your skin smooth and moisturized.

#3-The application. This is a huge personal preference for me. I hate having to scoop lotions out of a jar. I hate the feeling of getting the lotion under my fingernails and having to dig it out. This comes in a tube which is very convenient to squeeze out and apply. No mess needed!

#4-My skin. My skin has never felt better. I’ve only been using this product for a month, and my skin stays moisturized all day as well as feels extremely smooth and soft. Absolutely wonderful feeling skin.

#5-How long it lasts. I have been using this lotion for about a month and I have not even used half of the tube. I use body lotion everyday and this is probably one of the longest lasting bottles/tubes I’ve ever had. It’s such a great price for such a great quality product!

I honestly love this product. For someone who has a hard time being satisfied with cosmetic and skin care products, I’m so happy and content with this lotion. In fact, last time I placed an order, I bought 2 for myself alone, set aside from the products I’ve ordered for others. I just love it that much.

What is this amazing lotion I’m talking about? It’s Mary Kay’s Hydrating Lotion. It sells for $20 a bottle, but that bottle will last you quite awhile. And quite honestly, who doesn’t want silky smooth skin? I know for myself, especially with sensitive skin living in a dry climate, finding the right moisturizing product is essential, and after years of searching, I’ve found the one. It could be yours too!


Let me know if you’d like to try it! I’m hoping you’ll fall in love with it as much as I have!