3-Day Refresh: Day 1 Reflection

Day 1 is complete! And I’m definitely waiting to see how today can be different, but here is what I’ve discovered from day 1:

#1: I was HUNGRY! For at least half or more of the day. But this leads to #2…

#2: Appreciation for food! Who knew veggies could taste so good…

#3: I love Shakeology! I love having something that I know is jam-packed with nutrients, but doesn’t taste bad! I think I might get hooked…



#4: I don’t like Vanilla Fresh and I unfortunately have to drink it twice a day. There are some guilt-free flavourings you’re allowed to use, so I may venture into creating a tasty mixture.

Maybe I need to make it fancy like this...

Maybe I need to make it fancy like this…

#5: The Fiber Sweep everyone seems to hate really isn’t that bad! It’s got a super refreshing lemon flavour, and mixed with the other ingredients reminds me of a lemon granola bar. I find it just fine.

Lemony fresh!

Lemony fresh!

#6: I feel good. I’ve never had a stomach problem, came home early this morning and did a ton of housework before sitting down, and overall just feel healthy.

#7: I am drinking so much water! It’s not even really something I think about because the Refresh relies so heavily on drinking water. I feel good about this!

#8: My workout last night went well! Even though I’m consuming much less calories than normal, I feel no different in the gym than I did before. Absolutely no energy loss.

So there’s my day 1. I’m currently drinking my new loved Shakeology and loving every sip of it. I actually wish I could switch the Vanilla Fresh and drink Shakeology three times a day. That would be perfect!