The First Time in 8 Months!

Now I know 8 months doesn’t really seem like a long time and for certain things, it may not be. 8 months since your last vacation? Yeah, that’s reasonably short. In fact quite short for some of us. But 8 months since the last time you ate a food you hated? Some might say that’s not long enough! What I haven’t done for 8 months is incredible… incredibly odd!

Since July, I have not driven myself ANYWHERE. I have basically started driving since I was 4 (those old back roads in the woods, sitting on my daddy’s lap). Driving vehicles and quads, or 4-wheelers as we call them in New Brunswick was a way of life for me. I didn’t get my first car until I completed university and got my first job, but I borrowed other vehicles all the time to get to work at night while others were sleeping.

When I got my first car, I drove EVERYWHERE and ALL THE TIME. I quickly put on A LOT of kilometres and had no reason to stop. I was invincible until the first accident which was due to none other than driving too late at night after too long of a day, and I’m guessing falling asleep at the wheel. This was neither confirmed nor denied as I can’t recall at all falling asleep, and yet it was black before my eyes realized there was a semi-truck in front of me… Not good.

When I got my second car, I drove less, but still quite frequently. Of course, this stopped in a shorter time than the previous vehicle as I then was hit by another vehicle. Good-bye car #2…

We then had an Audi and what a great car! Except it started to shake and this drove me NUTS! I knew it wasn’t normal, and I even restricted the amount we could drive it. I had to drive it an incredibly long distance one night to save my sister from her own predicament, and still made it home alive. To give you an idea, I would do nothing but force myself to sleep while my husband drove, or pray like mad the entire time! I knew something was wrong, and I kept getting the feeling it was a tire, or a wheel.

Eventually the car got driven in, and come to find out, the tire rod was actually falling off, and it could be moved INCHES in and out. The mechanic actually had no idea how we had survived driving it without the whole wheel coming off. Can you tell God’s mercies for me yet? Not a good record.

I put off buying another car for a long time, and the Audi eventually quit working again (alternator problem). But we needed a vehicle to drive to the states last summer, so we bought our Kia. Lovely car. Drives like a dream, made to look like a luxury car, and quiet as can be. I barely touched the car aside from being driven around. Then I had to leave my husband in the states, so I was car-less. I used the bus from August-November when my husband was finally able to return.

Since he’s been here, I have not driven once. He has driven EVERYWHERE. But when he got extremely sick with a fever Monday night, we both knew that I would have to drive myself the next morning to work, and so it began.

I was up early. I was ready early. I was determined to beat the most of traffic going across the city. I was so nervous, and yet still felt like it was so easy. I was more paranoid than normal, knowing my background with vehicles hasn’t helped.

I was so proud of myself when I made it to work safely, but then I had to think about the way home. By the time I left, we had made plans for extra stops so I could get things that my husband needed. I cannot tell you how much better I feel when I think about driving now. I can still do it!

Sometimes it’s all about facing your fears and reminding yourself that you are capable of much more than you think you are. Your mistakes don’t describe you, they mould you into the better person you are always becoming.