Catching Up With Life

Hello everyone,

Since summer break has begun, I’ve done little but try and catch up on life! For me, that means house cleaning, and appointments, with no shortage of either.

I’m not going to bore you with house cleaning. I’m pretty sure everyone knows the drudgeries and all of house cleaning. What I’m going to focus on is the appointments I’ve been going to.

I wish I could train my dogs to do the housecleaning... just like kids doing chores?

I wish I could train my dogs to do the housecleaning… just like kids doing chores?

It started on a Friday when I went to the Eye Doctor for an eye exam. I haven’t had an eye exam in YEARS. I figured it was time for a check-up, and also had a concern with my eyes going part-time blurry. It really is a curious thing where sometimes, generally when I’m tired, one eye will go blurry; never both at the same time. From being someone who has always had excellent vision, this highly concerned me. And so I went.

What I found out is that my eyesight is fine, but I have some “irregular cells” on the fronts of my eyes. What the doctor is assuming is that when my eyes are tired, they are not capable of adjusting the cells. Stress could also play a factor in this. But in leaving, he gave me a “minor optional prescription” for use only when my eyes get tired. Not necessary, but there if I need it. Oh boy. This was a little unsettling, but if the doctor himself has no real concerns, then I’ll consider myself fortunate once again and maybe look into the purchase of glasses when school starts because of course, that’s when my sleeplessness and stress come in.

Seriously though, they have some serious eye equipment!

Seriously though, they have some serious eye equipment!

The following week, on Monday, Tuesday and Friday I had my first ever chiropractor appointments. I honestly didn’t really have any concerns for this, but since I work out with heavy weights 6 days per week, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to get checked out. What I ended up learning (already have gone Tuesday this week and going back tomorrow) is that I have a spot where my ribs are tight to my spine thus causing this rib popping thing I experience every so often. I also learned that the reason my feet cramp is NOT what the physio told me (vitamin D and Calcium deficiency), but rather that my arches are falling. I was so happy to hear she knew EXACTLY what I was talking about before I even finished. She is the first doctor out of 3 to understand.

Ok so this is not me, but look at the way the chiropractor is handling her neck. It may look scary, but this is honestly my FAVOURITE part. I look forward to getting my neck adjusted every time!

Ok so this is not me, but look at the way the chiropractor is handling her neck. It may look scary, but this is honestly my FAVOURITE part. I look forward to getting my neck adjusted every time!

The good news about the chiropractor is that she’s simply amazing and explains everything to you. She is so skilled and understanding, and gave me the great news that I’m really not as bad as she would have thought I would been having never been to a chiropractor before and working out like I do. This was great news! The unfortunate part is I can no longer wear sandals in the summer unless I can find pairs with high arches, and I’m looking to getting custom orthotics to do what is best for my feet. Another new thing to get used to.

This was basically sad news for me. I look forward to wearing mine all year and it's causing some problems for my feet. :(

This was basically sad news for me. I look forward to wearing mine all year and it’s causing some problems for my feet. 😦

On Wednesday of last week, I finally went and got my hair done. It had been a year and my hair was REALLY needing an upgrade. So I got more blonde, got a big trim and side bangs back. A nice treat during the week.

On Thursday of last week, I had my first ever massage! Now this experience was two-fold. Yes, there were parts like you’ve seen where the people seem relaxed, but let me tell you, there are parts where she finds even the smallest of knots in your body and then it gets painful and she works them out. I felt amazing afterwards and I know it’s probably essential for your body, especially for someone who needs their mobility for working out, but I can guarantee my massage therapist will find anything and everything that’s wrong. The other good part of this is that she’s working on my flexibility with me as well. Love my new massage therapist!

Working out the tightness I had in my legs hurt at first but felt good afterwards.

Working out the tightness I had in my legs hurt at first but felt good afterwards.

This past Sunday, I finally got over myself and went to the dentist. It has been 3 years since my last dental visit, and I knew I had to go. I hate cleanings. I always have. My family genetically do not have the greatest teeth to begin with. My mother has to take pills 2 days before and up to her dental appointments, and my dad’s family is notorious for breaking teeth, so I spent quite a bit of time at the dentist office as a child. Aside from the pain of parts of the cleaning, it wasn’t horrible. But I did find out that I had 2 small cavities, will be recommended for Invisalign (only for my bottom teeth) and also for whitening (which I’ve wanted for awhile). I ended up going back today (Thursday) for my cavities and will be going back in a couple weeks for my Invisalign consultation. But the dentist I had work on me today was simply AMAZING. Loved her to death! In fact, probably either the best or tied for the best dentist I’ve ever had.

Haha. Nah, my dentist was much nicer than this.

Haha. Nah, my dentist was much nicer than this.

Monday was finally a break. No appointments, got to stay home and sleep, clean, and stay with my pups.

Tuesday was back to the chiropractor, and I will be going again tomorrow. I also had a meeting with a woman about Organo Gold coffee which lead me to look through the mall I had met her at, and ended up getting my toenails and fingernails done at the nail salon. 🙂

Wednesday was an odd day for me. Our car needed new tires DESPERATELY and I had a customer waiting on their Organo Gold order, and this was the only day I could deliver, which meant the tires had to go on THAT DAY. So we quickly made arrangements for new tires (I had forgotten how much they cost!!!), and wouldn’t you know the tires were late transferring from the warehouse to the garage, which meant I ended up leaving town late, had horrible traffic, and thought I would be late to pick up my husband, but instead he ended up working extremely late so even though it was a rush of a day, it all ended up just fine.

Today I returned to the dentist and the freezing kind of took me out of the rest of my day. Lots of rest and recovery.

Tomorrow morning, I will be going to my first non-accident related physiotherapy session to work hard on my flexibility issues. I’m hoping one day I’m actually be able to touch my toes with my legs straight, and sit properly at a 90 degree angle; something that is so simple for many people, but something I’ve never been able to do. I really hate being this inflexible, and it seems that no matter how much stretching I do, it doesn’t help. So I’m hoping we can figure out what’s going on and she’ll be able to tell me what to do to fix it.

Now, even though I’ve had appointments everyday for the past 2+ weeks, I have to take a 2-week break as I fly on Sunday to visit my family for a couple weeks.

When I return, I will be back into the swing of things. I already have booked a massage, a doctor’s appointment (family doctor), my Invisalign consultation probably with a quick follow-up appointment for installation, and of course customer deliveries with OG products. Before I leave, I will also have book chiropractor appointments, physio appointments, looking to order my glasses, and probably look at Facial Laser Surgery (to get rid of some of this scarring from acne throughout my teen years).

What an EXPENSIVE summer! I am SO THANKFUL for health benefits as they have already covered huge amounts of my dental bills and will be refunding quite a bit of the others. I don’t think I would have even been able to do this without that help. I am so thankful to my job for that aspect for sure.

If I have any advice to give you, it’s this. If you have something wrong, don’t wait. Don’t let things go because you’ll learn a lot about yourself, a lot about how to help yourself be your best.