Fruit Smoothie Day – Healing Journey Day 32

I thought it was going to be incredibly hard to wake up this morning, but surprisingly, it wasn’t so bad. I did miss my pooch, however, as he was still at the babysitter’s until I could go get him after school.

I took some frozen bananas and some ripe Keitt mangoes to work with me. I didn’t have a chance to go shopping for other fruits, and since I’ve technically managed to mess up all smoothie days but the first one, I’ve dedicated today and tomorrow to smoothie days so I can still get in my three smoothie days. I will have to go shopping for more fruit though very soon.

I didn’t get a chance to make a smoothie until after lunch today, so I guess you could say I did intermittent fasting today! In the first smoothie, I blended about 2 and a half bananas with 2 mangoes. Oh my goodness. It was SO GOOD! You can definitely tell when you have good quality fruit! Yum!


After school, I had to run home right away so I could drive to pick up my dog before the kennel closed for the night. I didn’t have time to make another smoothie, so I stopped at Booster Juice along the way and got what is called a Maui Juice. Now, a Maui Juice is not truly a juice; it is a cross between a smoothie and a juice. It has pineapple juice, fresh-squeezed orange juice, and frozen bananas blended up. It was pretty good, but definitely not filling.

I did intend to go to the gym, but I just didn’t make it there this evening. I didn’t feel right not doing anything to progress my fitness, so instead, I stayed home and did some ab exercises.

After I did these exercises, I made myself another smoothie containing one frozen banana, two Keitt mangoes, and a bit of water. It was so yummy!

And that was pretty much it. Aside from that, I worked on the computer for awhile until I went to bed.

Review of Symptoms:
-Energy was good.
-Digestion better than yesterday.
-Feeling good on smoothies.
-Acne is same.

Weight at the end of the day = 173.2 lbs (down 3.4 lbs since yesterday)

Total Calories = approx. 1110 (95% carbs, 2% fat, 3% protein)

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